Would you like to view the source of a page on your favorite editor ?
To do this, there are two entries to modify at the "about:config" page of Firefox.
Search (filter by) for "view_source.editor" then change the following keys:
view_source.editor.external: Change this to true (just click over it two times).
view_source.editor.path: Change this to the explicit path to your editor of choice.
Example: I have Notepadd++ installed so, in this case I used "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" without the quote marks.
Have fun!
REF: http://grok.lsu.edu/article.aspx?articleid=12278
terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011
Firefox: View Source Code using External Editor
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011
Como instalar o módulo de segurança do Banco do Brasil sem a praga do GBPLUGIN
Depois de procurar muito, encontrei na WEB a solução para instalação do módulo de segurança no Firefox 3.6, 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8 para acessar o Netbanking do Banco do Brasil sem a praga do GBPlugin.
Esta solução pode também funcionar para o Linux e MacOS.
Para instalar o módulo a partir da versão 3.6, salve o arquivo modulo-seguranca-firefoxN.xpi (onde N é a versão) em disco, exemplo:
vai mudando o "N" e tentando as versões, se não der erro vai aparecer a tela de download...voilà!
Depois que tiver salvo em disco o arquivo "xpi", é só clicar na barra superior escolhendo:
Para instalar o módulo a partir da versão 3.6, salve o arquivo modulo-seguranca-firefoxN.xpi (onde N é a versão) em disco, exemplo:
vai mudando o "N" e tentando as versões, se não der erro vai aparecer a tela de download...voilà!
Depois que tiver salvo em disco o arquivo "xpi", é só clicar na barra superior escolhendo:
Arquivo > Abrir arquivo.
Selecione então o arquivo modulo-seguranca-firefoxN.xpi no local onde foi salvo e....seus problemas acabaram!Obs.: Esse procedimento elimina a atualização do Java para uso do serviço e também evita a instalação da praga do GBPlugin.
DICA.: Caso tenha realizado esse procedimento antes de atualizar o Firefox para a versão 5.0.1, provavelmente terá um aviso sobre incompatibilidade com a extensão do BB.
Nesse caso, acesse normalmente a página de login ao netbanking do BB. Se acontecer como no meu caso, aparecerá um balão no Firefox sobre uma atualização disponível. Na verdade é o mesmo link que eu postei para o arquivo. Aceite a atualização e apenas tome cuidado para não ser um executável.
banco do brasil,
segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011
A sua organização tem alma ?
Hoje passei muita raiva com o meu banco, em especial com o "callcenter" que resolve questões referente ao cartão de crédito da bandeira do meu banco. Acabei por cancelar o meu cartão e o cartão suplementar da minha esposa só pelo desgosto que tive no atendimento que recebi.
O que mais me deixa "triste" hoje no Brasil é que muitas empresas esqueceram que os seus recursos mais valiosos são seus "clientes", e em especial os mais antigos. Sem os clientes não existe o negócio e a empresa deixa de existir, e ponto final. Tarda mais não falha!
Encontrei um artigo chamado "o novo decálogo do cliente" de autoria do Sr. Raul Candeloro e que toda empresa deveria estudar (e aplicar) para garantir seu lugar no mercado. Em resumo, ele diz que uma "Empresa" com "E" maiúsculo deve ter "alma" para poder vencer os desafios do mercado, que conta com muitos concorrentes e com clientes cada vez mais exigentes.
Teste aqui se sua organização tem alma, na visão do seu cliente:
- Confiança – Quero ter certeza de que estou comprando algo que realmente vai resolver meu problema.
- Valor – Quero pagar um preço justo e correto e sentir prazer ao comprar.
- Novidades – Quero ser surpreendido positivamente.
- Agilidade – Quero ser atendido prontamente e sem demoras.
- Significado – Quero que você entenda que o produto ou serviço que estou adquirindo é realmente importante para mim.
- Atenção – Quero que você me valorize e me faça sentir especial.
- Conexão – Quero fazer parte de um grupo de pessoas com ética, valores e princípios iguais aos meus.
- Atendimento – Quero ser atendido por profissionais que entendem do assunto, gostam do que fazem e demonstram prazer em me atender.
- Descoberta – Quero poder indicar sua empresa para minha família, amigos e colegas.
- Contribuição – Quero que você contribua com "causas" (sociais) que realmente me importam.
E por fim, para tornar um assunto longo bem curto, eu diria o seguinte:
..."terceirizar o SAC para um "callcenter" ou "contact-center", sem "pessoas" que conheçam a história, o produto/serviço e valores de sua empresa é o mesmo que desobedecer todos os itens anteriores. Pronto, falei.
sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011
How to boot Linux with Windows XP bootloader
So you want to setup dual boot on your computer but do not want to install Grub or LILO, then read on….
Otherwise, if you are want to avoid Windows over writing Grub or LILO every time you setup Windows, then you can sacrifice the powers of Grub and keep Windows Boot Loader to boot you into Linux.
Here are the suggested steps: (Ideal case)
1) Install Linux Grub or LILO on the same partition and NOT ON THE MBR (CAUTION!)
2) Windows XP Loader (NT Loader) needs Linux Master Boot Record (MBR) to boot into Linux.
If you can boot into Linux (or already on Linux after install), grab the first 512 bytes of boot sector from the root partition of Linux where Grub is installed “/dev/sdaX” where “X” is the partition number you installed Linux root directory “/”. Then copy it to an external drive or mount the Windows partition and save it in the root directory, usually the: “C:\”.
To save the boot sector use this Linux command: dd if=/dev/sdaN of=grub.bin bs=512 count=1
3) To setup Windows bootloader to load Linux, we need to add an entry corresponding to Linux.
Boot into Windows. Set appropriate attributes for boot.ini so that it is editable.
attrib -r -w -s c:\boot.ini
Add the following entry to the end of the file boot.ini:
c:\grub.bin="Ubuntu Linux ver. X.YZ" where “X.YZ” is the version number of Linux you just installed.
Restart the machine and Windows XP boot loader shows Ubuntu Linux 7.10 as one of the options.
Select this option and viola! you should see Linux booting.
For more detailed instructions follow this : http://www.tprthai.net/bootmgr.htm
http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ provides a specialized rescue disk to restore Windows/Linux. I haven’t used it anytime though.
Here is a additional twist!
In my case, I had an existing Linux installation but I could not boot into Linux and I didn’t have a rescue disk. I installed Ext2 IFS For Windows and copied MBR which I had extracted previously before I wiped out Grub by accident. That saved my day.
You could also use “dd” for windows, but the partition numbering is “tricky”...see more about this here: http://www.chrysocome.net/dd
Some useful tips:
1) If you get a error like “hal.dll” is missing – usually is a file name problem, for exemple if you file is named “linux.bin.bin” and in the boot.ini you put “linux.bin”. Windows usually hides the extension by default and that may mislead you.
2) If you have a disk with partition say: “sda” and 3 partitions: win, linux, swap.
when you formated the windows it can destroyed the partition and then when create the part again with a new number. So before you formatted the partition Linux could be “sda3” and after it could became “sda2”. The solution is to swap the lines in “fstab”.
when you formated the windows it can destroyed the partition and then when create the part again with a new number. So before you formatted the partition Linux could be “sda3” and after it could became “sda2”. The solution is to swap the lines in “fstab”.
3) You can recover or access your new installation of Linux (that you did not put the bootloader in MBR) using the installation CD – recovery mode.
- Install and run Boot-Repair
- Now reboot your system. The usual GRUB boot menu should appear. If it does not, hold Left Shift while booting. You will be able to choose between Ubuntu and Windows.
See more here:
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011
How Cable Television Works
In the 1950s, there were four television networks in the United States. Because of the frequencies allotted to television, the signals could only be received in a "line of sight" from the transmitting antenna. People living in remote areas, especially remote mountainous areas, couldn't see the programs that were already becoming an important part of U.S. culture.
In 1948, people living in remote valleys in Pennsylvania solved their reception problems by putting antennas on hills and running cables to their houses. These days, the same technology once used by remote hamlets and select cities allows viewers all over the country to access a wide variety of programs and channels that meet their individual needs and desires. By the early 1990s, cable television had reached nearly half the homes in the United States.
Today, U.S. cable systems deliver hundreds of channels to some 60 million homes, while also providing a growing number of people with high-speed Internet access. Some cable systems even let you make telephone calls and receive new programming technologies! In this article, we'll show you how cable television brings you so much information and such a wide range of programs, from educational to inspirational to just plain odd.
The earliest cable systems were, in effect, strategically placed antennas with very long cables connecting them to subscribers' television sets. Because the signal from the antenna became weaker as it traveled through the length of cable, cable providers had to insert amplifiers at regular intervals to boost the strength of the signal and make it acceptable for viewing. According to Bill Wall, technical director for subscriber networks at Scientific-Atlanta, a leading maker of equipment for cable television systems, limitations in these amplifiers were a significant issue for cable system designers in the next three decades.
"In a cable system, the signal might have gone through 30 or 40 amplifiers before reaching your house, one every 1,000 feet or so," Wall says. "With each amplifier, you would get noise and distortion. Plus, if one of the amplifiers failed, you lost the picture. Cable got a reputation for not having the best quality picture and for not being reliable." In the late 1970s, cable television would find a solution to the amplifier problem. By then, they had also developed technology that allowed them to add more programming to cable service.
Adding Channels
In the early 1950s, cable systems began experimenting with ways to use microwave transmitting and receiving towers to capture the signals from distant stations. In some cases, this made television available to people who lived outside the range of standard broadcasts. In other cases, especially in the northeastern United States, it meant that cable customers might have access to several broadcast stations of the same network. For the first time, cable was used to enrich television viewing, not just make ordinary viewing possible. This started a trend that would begin to flower fully in the 1970s.
The addition of CATV (community antenna television) stations and the spread of cable systems ultimately led manufacturers to add a switch to most new television sets. People could set their televisions to tune to channels based on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) frequency allocation plan, or they could set them for the plan used by most cable systems. The two plans differed in important ways.
In both tuning systems, each television station was given a 6-megahertz (MHz) slice of the radio spectrum. The FCC had originally devoted parts of the very high frequency (VHF) spectrum to 12 television channels. The channels weren't put into a single block of frequencies, but were instead broken into two groups to avoid interfering with existing radio services.
Later, when the growing popularity of television necessitated additional channels, the FCC allocated frequencies in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) portion of the spectrum. They established channels 14 to 69 using a block of frequencies between 470 MHz and 812 MHz.
Because they used cable instead of antennas, cable television systems didn't have to worry about existing services. Engineers could use the so-called mid-band, those frequencies passed over by broadcast TV due to other signals, for channels 14-22. Channels 1 through 6 are at lower frequencies and the rest are higher. The "CATV/Antenna" switch tells the television's tuner whether to tune around the mid-band or to tune straight through it.
While we're on the subject of tuning, it's worth considering why CATV systems don't use the same frequencies for stations broadcasting on channels 1 to 6 that those stations use to broadcast over the airwaves. Cable equipment is designed to shield the signals carried on the cable from outside interference, and televisions are designed to accept signals only from the point of connection to the cable or antenna; but interference can still enter the system, especially at connectors. When the interference comes from the same channel that's carried on the cable, there is a problem because of the difference in broadcast speed between the two signals.
Radio signals travel through the air at a speed very close to the speed of light. In a coaxial cable like the one that brings CATV signals to your house, radio signals travel at about two-thirds the speed of light. When the broadcast and cable signals get to the television tuner a fraction of a second apart, you see a double image called "ghosting."
In 1972, a cable system in Wilkes-Barre, PA, began offering the first "pay-per-view" channel. The customers would pay to watch individual movies or sporting events. They called the new service Home Box Office, or HBO. It continued as a regional service until 1975, when HBO began transmitting a signal to a satellite in geosynchronous orbit and then down to cable systems in Florida and Mississippi. Scientific-Atlanta's Bill Wall says that these early satellites could receive and retransmit up to 24 channels. The cable systems receiving the signals used dish antennas 10 meters in diameter, with a separate dish for each channel! With the beginning of satellite program delivery to cable systems, the basic architecture of the modern cable system was in place.
As the number of program options grew, the bandwidth of cable systems also increased. Early systems operated at 200 MHz, allowing 33 channels. As technology progressed, the bandwidth increased to 300, 400, 500 and now 550 MHz, with the number of channels increasing to 91.
The Digital age - more channels better quality
Two additional advances in technology: fiber optics and analog-to-digital conversion -- improved features and broadcast quality while continuing to increase the number of channels available.
The Glass Cable
In 1976, a new sort of cable system debuted. This system used fiber-optic cable for the trunk cables that carry signals from the CATV head-end to neighborhoods. The head-end is where the cable system receives programming from various sources, assigns the programming to channels and retransmits it onto cables. By the late 1970s, fiber optics had progressed considerably and so were a cost-effective means of carrying CATV signals over long distances. The great advantage of fiber-optic cable is that it doesn't suffer the same signal losses as coaxial cable, which eliminated the need for so many amplifiers. In the early fiber-optic cable systems, the number of amplifiers between head-end and customer was reduced from 30 or 40 down to around six. In systems implemented since 1988, the number of amplifiers has been further reduced, to the point that only one or two amplifiers are required for most customers. Decreasing the number of amplifiers made dramatic improvements in signal quality and system reliability.
Another benefit that came from the move to fiber-optic cable was greater customization. Since a single fiber-optic cable might serve 500 households, it became possible to target individual neighborhoods for messages and services. In the 1990s, cable providers found this same neighborhood grouping to be ideal for creating a local-area network and providing Internet access through cable modems.
In 1989, General Instruments demonstrated that it was possible to convert an analog cable signal to digital and transmit it in a standard 6-MHz television channel.
Using MPEG compression, CATV systems installed today can transmit up to 10 channels of video in the 6-MHz bandwidth of a single analog channel. When combined with a 550-MHz overall bandwidth, this allows the possibility of nearly 1,000 channels of video on a system. In addition, digital technology allows for error correction to ensure the quality of the received signal.
The move to digital technology also changed the quality of one of cable television's most visible features: the scrambled channel.
The first system to "scramble" a channel on a cable system was demonstrated in 1971. In the first scrambling system, one of the signals used to synchronize the television picture was removed when the signal was transmitted, then reinserted by a small device at the customer's home.
Later scrambling systems inserted a signal slightly offset from the channel's frequency to interfere with the picture, then filtered the interfering signal out of the mix at the customer's television. In both cases, the scrambled channel could generally be seen as a jagged, jumbled set of video images.
In a digital system (today), the signal isn't scrambled, but encrypted. The encrypted signal must be decoded with the proper key. Without the key, the digital-to-analog converter can't turn the stream of bits into anything usable by the television's tuner. When a "non-signal" is received, the cable system substitutes an advertisement or the familiar blue screen.
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
Stay away from NOKIA phones.
Please take note and tell your friends:
I will never, ever, buy a Nokia phone again! And I will tell my story to all my family, friends around the world, my social networks, and every time I have a opportunity to "alert" the consumers in lectures that I usually participate.
Bottom line: "KEEP AWAY FROM NOKIA"..
Bought a US$340 C7-00 "brick" in april, 2011, after my E71 was stollen in my last trip to the USA. The new C7-00 worked for 40 days and than I had to send it back for repair because GSM stopped working. After 4 (four) months waiting, I received a "dead" new phone....can you believe this?!?!?!?
I will now buy a android from Samsung or from ZTE.
Just found out that my Nokia serial is for latin america, less Brazil, but sold in a US store, so in Brazil there is no support and in the US there is no support (I got the : "I'm sorry Sir, bla bla bla...).
Very, very unhappy customer.
UPDATE: June 8th, 2012
This is to let you know (and update my case) that I just received, from NOKIA, a replacement model 701, for my defective phone, more than a year after my phone stopped working.
So I believe that this resolves my complaint with Nokia.
Please note that, other than submitting a complaint, using online complaint form, at www.econsumer.gov, I also did this:
1. I created this blog post telling my story (my problem with Nokia)
2. I registered and wrote my blog link on all Nokia blogs/forums I could find on the WEB
3. found Nokia CEO email on the WEB and I sent him an email complaint
4. I tried to registered many complaint on Nokia support pages (US, Brazil, Latin America, EURO, etc).
5. I called Nokia support (by phone and online) many times to seek a solutions.
But, overall, it is very sad to believe, that the pursuit of my rights requires so much effort.
UPDATE: June 8th, 2012
This is to let you know (and update my case) that I just received, from NOKIA, a replacement model 701, for my defective phone, more than a year after my phone stopped working.
So I believe that this resolves my complaint with Nokia.
Please note that, other than submitting a complaint, using online complaint form, at www.econsumer.gov, I also did this:
1. I created this blog post telling my story (my problem with Nokia)
2. I registered and wrote my blog link on all Nokia blogs/forums I could find on the WEB
3. found Nokia CEO email on the WEB and I sent him an email complaint
4. I tried to registered many complaint on Nokia support pages (US, Brazil, Latin America, EURO, etc).
5. I called Nokia support (by phone and online) many times to seek a solutions.
But, overall, it is very sad to believe, that the pursuit of my rights requires so much effort.
terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011
How to update Comodo AntiVirus database offline.
![]() |
Don't panic and keep your hair on your head! |
Here is how to update the database manually:
1) Download the antivirus databases - "bases.cav"
2) Startup your Windows PC in "Safe Mode"
During the restart, press and hold F8.
You must press F8 before the Windows logo appears.
3) Open the folder
C:\Program files\comodo\comodo internet security\scanners
4) Rename the file called "bases.cav" to "bases.old" (don't use the quotes!)
5) Copy the downloaded file in step 1 to the location in step 3
6) Shutdown and restart your PC in normal mode.
7) If all is working fine, now you can delete the "bases.old" in step 4
8) But if something goes wrong, do this:
- repeat steps 2 and 3
- delete bases.cav
- rename bases.old back to bases.cav
- reboot and you are back to the starting point again.
Click here for a comodo: bases.cav
Have fun!
REF: wapbusy.blogspot.com
terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011
Windows XP command line tools tweaks
View your boot loader settings, such as your default OS and selection timeout, as well as your boot entries and load options.
You probably already guessed that this defrags your hard drive. Type only "defrag" into your command prompt to get a list of possible arguments, such as the drive letter and the type of output.
Manages your disk partitions. After you type "diskpart" into your command prompt, your prompt will become "DISKPART." Type a question mark to get a list of possible arguments. Type exit to leave diskpart.
Will get you a nice list of your drivers and their properties.
This is a handy command. You can do everything from managing your hardlinks to querying the free space in a volume. Type "fsutil" into your command prompt, and you'll see a list of options. I choose "fsinfo" from the list, so I type "fsutil fsinfo" into the prompt. Now I get even more options, but I choose drives by typing "fsutil fsinfo drives." It's fun, it's easy, and you'll get the hang of it. Explore this utility. There are a lot of cool features and hidden twists.
This gets the MAC (Media Access Control) address.
Get the RSoP, user settings, and computer group policy settings.
A network configuration tool. Type "netsh" to enter the tool, or "netsh /?" to learn more about it. To exit this tool, type "exit" at the "netsh>" prompt.
Allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files in XP professional. Type "openfiles /?" for a list of possible parameters.
This command attempts to recover readable information from a damaged disk. Type "recover" to get the syntax.
The console registry tool. Get syntax help when you type "reg" into the prompt. You can export the registry, copy, restore, compare, and more.
The administrator can schedule, run, change, or delete tasks on a local or remote machine. Type "schtasks /?" without the quotes for a list of options.
The system file checker scans protected system files and replaces the ones you (or your applications) hacked beyond repair with the real, official Microsoft versions. Type "sfc" into the command prompt to get a list of options.
You can shut down or restart your own computer, or an administrator can shut down or restart a remote computer. Type "shutdown" into your command prompt to see a list of possible arguments.
Basic system configuration information, such as the system type, the processor type, your time zone, your virtual memory settings, and much more.
Want to know what's going on behind the scenes? Type "tasklist" into the command prompt, and get a list of current processes.
Now that you know what's going on behind the scenes, maybe you want to shut a few of these extraneous tasks down. That's where taskkill comes in. Type "taskkill /?" for a quick lesson in the syntax of the command, then shut down all those random processes. I just killed my MS messenger by typing "taskkill /PID 1680." I got the PID from running tasklist, above.
REF: Dakota - Vancouver, Wa
View your boot loader settings, such as your default OS and selection timeout, as well as your boot entries and load options.
You probably already guessed that this defrags your hard drive. Type only "defrag" into your command prompt to get a list of possible arguments, such as the drive letter and the type of output.
Manages your disk partitions. After you type "diskpart" into your command prompt, your prompt will become "DISKPART." Type a question mark to get a list of possible arguments. Type exit to leave diskpart.
Will get you a nice list of your drivers and their properties.
This is a handy command. You can do everything from managing your hardlinks to querying the free space in a volume. Type "fsutil" into your command prompt, and you'll see a list of options. I choose "fsinfo" from the list, so I type "fsutil fsinfo" into the prompt. Now I get even more options, but I choose drives by typing "fsutil fsinfo drives." It's fun, it's easy, and you'll get the hang of it. Explore this utility. There are a lot of cool features and hidden twists.
This gets the MAC (Media Access Control) address.
Get the RSoP, user settings, and computer group policy settings.
A network configuration tool. Type "netsh" to enter the tool, or "netsh /?" to learn more about it. To exit this tool, type "exit" at the "netsh>" prompt.
Allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files in XP professional. Type "openfiles /?" for a list of possible parameters.
This command attempts to recover readable information from a damaged disk. Type "recover" to get the syntax.
The console registry tool. Get syntax help when you type "reg" into the prompt. You can export the registry, copy, restore, compare, and more.
The administrator can schedule, run, change, or delete tasks on a local or remote machine. Type "schtasks /?" without the quotes for a list of options.
The system file checker scans protected system files and replaces the ones you (or your applications) hacked beyond repair with the real, official Microsoft versions. Type "sfc" into the command prompt to get a list of options.
You can shut down or restart your own computer, or an administrator can shut down or restart a remote computer. Type "shutdown" into your command prompt to see a list of possible arguments.
Basic system configuration information, such as the system type, the processor type, your time zone, your virtual memory settings, and much more.
Want to know what's going on behind the scenes? Type "tasklist" into the command prompt, and get a list of current processes.
Now that you know what's going on behind the scenes, maybe you want to shut a few of these extraneous tasks down. That's where taskkill comes in. Type "taskkill /?" for a quick lesson in the syntax of the command, then shut down all those random processes. I just killed my MS messenger by typing "taskkill /PID 1680." I got the PID from running tasklist, above.
REF: Dakota - Vancouver, Wa
terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011
Remove Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant From Firefox
Remove Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant From Firefox
Have you noticed one of these problems:
1. popup saying that NET Framework cause stability problems
2. strange firefox crashes
3. yahoo mail (the classic version) doesn't respond correctly when you choose things and send messages (that "loading" message an slow response or nothing)
4. some times just can't load new URLs.
Take a look at the installed add-ons in Firefox search for an add-on called Microsoft .net Framework Assistant.
That add-on is different from most other installed add-ons. The first thing that you will notice is that you cannot uninstall it as the uninstall option is inactive in Firefox, specially for versions "0.0.0" or "1.0.0".
First try to disable it if it's active. Start Firefox again and check.
You might also realize that you did not install that add-on actively which means it must have been installed by another application.
If you use Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 , you can go to this page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9449
and upgrade the .Net Framework Assistant, and then you can uninstall the extensions or just keep it "disabled".
If you uninstall and after restart it still is there try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/963707
The pop up from Microsoft's framework error message or the "Just in Time Debugging" from Microsoft is annoying but a very easy fix.
Go to the control panel under the Start Button. Click on Internet Options Turn off the Microsoft Debuggers and your Firefox will never have any more issues.
Have fun!
REF: http://www.ghacks.net/
Have you noticed one of these problems:
1. popup saying that NET Framework cause stability problems
2. strange firefox crashes
3. yahoo mail (the classic version) doesn't respond correctly when you choose things and send messages (that "loading" message an slow response or nothing)
4. some times just can't load new URLs.
Take a look at the installed add-ons in Firefox search for an add-on called Microsoft .net Framework Assistant.
That add-on is different from most other installed add-ons. The first thing that you will notice is that you cannot uninstall it as the uninstall option is inactive in Firefox, specially for versions "0.0.0" or "1.0.0".
First try to disable it if it's active. Start Firefox again and check.
You might also realize that you did not install that add-on actively which means it must have been installed by another application.
If you use Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 , you can go to this page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9449
and upgrade the .Net Framework Assistant, and then you can uninstall the extensions or just keep it "disabled".
If you uninstall and after restart it still is there try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/963707
The pop up from Microsoft's framework error message or the "Just in Time Debugging" from Microsoft is annoying but a very easy fix.
Go to the control panel under the Start Button. Click on Internet Options Turn off the Microsoft Debuggers and your Firefox will never have any more issues.
Have fun!
REF: http://www.ghacks.net/
segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011
Do you think that the New Yahoo mail sucks ? And you can't find a way to return to the old Classic Mail version ? Well here's what I found searching the web:
To go back to YAHOO! MAIL CLASSIC...
1) Turn off Javascript - you'll then be asked if you want to return to Mail Classic, click "yes".
If you don't know how to turn off Javascript...
IMPORTANT:Remember to RE-ENABLE JAVA and JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For IE: Open TOOLS > INTERNET OPTIONS >> SECURITY. In security click "CUSTOM LEVEL" -> disable active scripting in the scripting section.
IMPORTANT:Remember to turn JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For FIREFOX: Open TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> CONTENT, click on "DISABLE JAVASCRIPT". Now hit F5 to refresh the page while you are in Yahoo! email in order to switch back...
2) Go and login to your Yahoo mail account.
You will get a message screen saying that you need to activate JAVASCRIPT to use the new Yahoo! mail.
Bellow the warning there is two options, click the second (PERMANENT) to switch back to YAHOO! Classic. DO NOT click the first one "ONE TIME ONLY" option.
IMPORTANT: Turn JAVASCRIPT back ON once you have your "CLASSIC" account back.
Thanks to RUDJAKE a yahoo answer member.
Have fun!
To go back to YAHOO! MAIL CLASSIC...
1) Turn off Javascript - you'll then be asked if you want to return to Mail Classic, click "yes".
If you don't know how to turn off Javascript...
IMPORTANT:Remember to RE-ENABLE JAVA and JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For IE: Open TOOLS > INTERNET OPTIONS >> SECURITY. In security click "CUSTOM LEVEL" -> disable active scripting in the scripting section.
IMPORTANT:Remember to turn JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For FIREFOX: Open TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> CONTENT, click on "DISABLE JAVASCRIPT". Now hit F5 to refresh the page while you are in Yahoo! email in order to switch back...
2) Go and login to your Yahoo mail account.
You will get a message screen saying that you need to activate JAVASCRIPT to use the new Yahoo! mail.
Bellow the warning there is two options, click the second (PERMANENT) to switch back to YAHOO! Classic. DO NOT click the first one "ONE TIME ONLY" option.
IMPORTANT: Turn JAVASCRIPT back ON once you have your "CLASSIC" account back.
Thanks to RUDJAKE a yahoo answer member.
Have fun!
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
Como remover o Gbplugin dos bancos
Se tem notado problemas de lentidão ou travamentos do Windows XP, depois que acessam alguns bancos via Internet, como Banco Real/Santander, Banco do Brasil ou Caixa Econômica Federal o motivo é um programa que eles obrigaram você a instalar.
O que acontece é que esses bancos exigem a instalação de um plugin de segurança chamado GbPlugin, que roda sobre os processos "explorer.exe" e pior de tudo modificando o "winlogon.exe" na inicialização do sistema, o que impossibilita sua remoção através de comandos do Windows ou até de programas como Unlocker, !KillBox, ComboFix ou similares.
Além disso, consome boa parte da memória e, algumas vezes, duplica o uso da CPU, mesmo quando você não está usando nenhum serviço do banco.
O plugin tão incomodo que acabou servindo de base para um vírus com o mesmo nome. Não para sua segurança, mas sim para a invasão de sua privacidade.
Depois de pesquisar muito, as soluções que encontrei para remover o maldito GbPlugin são muito compilados e que podem levar a vários erros no processo.
Por sorte encontrei esta semana um "kit" simples e eficaz de scripts, capaz de remover completamente a praga GbPlugin (tanto oficial quanto vírus) do seu computador com segurança e facilidade neste link: Removedor-gbplugin
Obs: Está indicado na página do Xcovil que você poderá instalar o plugin normalmente, nas próximas vezes que acessar seu banco. No entanto, percebi que ao acessar o banco via meu desktop (em vez do meu notebook onde a praga estava instalada) não ocorreu mais a instalação. Acredito que a praga está relacionado ao Internet Explorer (IE) com ASP e ActiveX, portanto usar Firefox ou outro browser. Digo isto pois tive dificuldade para acessar o meu Banco via Firefox no meu notebook e consegui via IE, foi ai que me lasquei!
Por último, considero um absurdo o que estes bancos estão nos obrigando a instalar. Mais uma vez o ambiente "Windows" mostra-se como o prior sistema em termos de segurança que conheço.
Agradeço ao XPirata/Xcovil, você é o cara!
Boa sorte!
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
IDE DVD burner stuck in PIO mode.
Windows XP solutions series: IDE DVD burner stuck in PIO mode.
My DVD burner stuck in PIO mode right after I tried to read a defective CD-R.
Usually my LG GSA-4166B DVDRW (HL-DT-ST) shows Transfer mode as Ultra DMA Mode 4. It is connected to Secondary IDE as Master and my HDD is Primary IDE Master.
- using "Process Explorer", hardware interrups is bigger than 10% when using your DVD burner.
- high CPU usage, near 100%
Check this too:
1. Go to Device Manager (Right-click My Computer>Properties>Hardware Tab>Device Manager);
2. Expand IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and click on your DVD IDE Channel;
3. Click Properties button and select the Advanced Settings Tab;
If the Transfer Mode is PIO and not DMA, this is your problem!
Start by doing this (at your on risk):
1. Check that you have a 80 pin shielded IDE cable installed
2. Run: regedit
3. Find the following KEY:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\000x
4. The last four digits will be 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on.
5. Usually they are, depends on your system configuration, the following:
0001 is for "Primary_ide_channel" (see DWORD = MatchingDeviceId)
0002 is for "Secondary_ide_channel"
and so on.
Under your "DVD burner" KEY, delete the occurence of the following value:
- MasterIdDataChecksum
- or SlaveIdDataChecksum
depending were your DVD burner is connected.
6. Reboot the computer. Windows will now redetect DMA settings.
This worked for me.
My DVD burner stuck in PIO mode right after I tried to read a defective CD-R.
Usually my LG GSA-4166B DVDRW (HL-DT-ST) shows Transfer mode as Ultra DMA Mode 4. It is connected to Secondary IDE as Master and my HDD is Primary IDE Master.
- using "Process Explorer", hardware interrups is bigger than 10% when using your DVD burner.
- high CPU usage, near 100%
Check this too:
1. Go to Device Manager (Right-click My Computer>Properties>Hardware Tab>Device Manager);
2. Expand IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and click on your DVD IDE Channel;
3. Click Properties button and select the Advanced Settings Tab;
If the Transfer Mode is PIO and not DMA, this is your problem!
Start by doing this (at your on risk):
1. Check that you have a 80 pin shielded IDE cable installed
2. Run: regedit
3. Find the following KEY:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\000x
4. The last four digits will be 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on.
5. Usually they are, depends on your system configuration, the following:
0001 is for "Primary_ide_channel" (see DWORD = MatchingDeviceId)
0002 is for "Secondary_ide_channel"
and so on.
Under your "DVD burner" KEY, delete the occurence of the following value:
- MasterIdDataChecksum
- or SlaveIdDataChecksum
depending were your DVD burner is connected.
6. Reboot the computer. Windows will now redetect DMA settings.
This worked for me.
terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011
Nissan LEAF - eficiência energética - economia para o consumidor.
A agência dos EUA chamada "US Environmental Protection Agency" avaliou o Nissan/LEAF como tendo um alcance entre cargas de 117 quilômetros (Km), com um consumo de energia equivalente a 765 kilojoules por Km rodado ou seja, 4,73 Km/KWh.
Analisando a eficiência do Nissan LEAF, e considerando seu equivalente em termos de consumo de gasolina podemos afirmar portanto que o consumo equivalente seria dado pela fórmula:
Consumo-equiv. = (B x C) / A
onde as variáveis são:
A = custo por KWh na CEMIG/MG hoje* R$ 0,62
B = custo por litro de gasolina/MG R$ 2,80
C = Km/KWh no Nissan/LEAF ~ 4,73 Km/KWh
Portanto o Nissan/LEAF faria: 21,4 Km/litro que é um rendimento muito superior a um carro que usa combustível fóssil.
Nenhum carro nacional conseguiu fazer, até hoje, uma média destas!
Considere ainda a possiblidade de instalar em sua casa um conjunto de paineis solares para recarregar o seu Nissan/LEAF e você terá maximizado sua eficiência.
Meu gasto mensal mínimo de combustível pode ser estimado hoje em R$500,00 em gasolina. Em um ano gasto: R$6.000,00
Como o meu carro faz uma média de 7Km/l na cidade, podemos afirmar que o Nissan/LEAF é aproximadamente três vezes mais econômico.
Considerando 5 anos de uso normal teriamos uma economia R$ 20.000,00
Nenhum carro nacional conseguiu fazer, até hoje, uma média destas!
Considere ainda a possiblidade de instalar em sua casa um conjunto de paineis solares para recarregar o seu Nissan/LEAF e você terá maximizado sua eficiência.
Meu gasto mensal mínimo de combustível pode ser estimado hoje em R$500,00 em gasolina. Em um ano gasto: R$6.000,00
Como o meu carro faz uma média de 7Km/l na cidade, podemos afirmar que o Nissan/LEAF é aproximadamente três vezes mais econômico.
Considerando 5 anos de uso normal teriamos uma economia R$ 20.000,00
Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Leaf
sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011
Best practices to maintain laptop and netbook battery life.
You'd think that the best way to keep your laptop's battery from wearing out is to not use it. Right?
Answer: wrong!
As it turns out, batteries are like muscles; they need to be worked out regularly to stay healthy.
Ideally, you should use your laptop unplugged at least once a day, like on a train or bus commute or on the couch in front of the TV.
If you're not going to use it, constantly charging your battery is a very bad idea.
HP recommends on their website that you should take the battery out of your laptop in the following cases:
1. if you're going to leave your laptop plugged in power outlet;
2. if you're putting it in storage for more than two weeks.
Fully discharging the battery is not recommended before storage. Never storage your battery empty, this could kill it for good.
Expiration date.
Should I throw out that old battery? The answer, surprisingly, is "never".
Laptop batteries contain lots of toxic chemicals, and should never end up in landfills. Fortunately, e-stewards.org has a list of environmentally responsible recyclers that will take your old battery with no fuss.
If you can't find one neer you, mail it back to the manufacture.
When is it time to replace your battery, then? Use the free utility apps Becky mentioned, and when they say that your battery can only hold around 25% of its original capacity it's probably time for a new one.
I have a Fujitsu P5020 that I bought about 10 years ago. My lithium battery now is about 50% of its original capacity. Most of my friends ended there battery life cycle by 3 years of incorrect usaged, so this is the proof that the above tips do work.
Answer: wrong!
As it turns out, batteries are like muscles; they need to be worked out regularly to stay healthy.
Ideally, you should use your laptop unplugged at least once a day, like on a train or bus commute or on the couch in front of the TV.
If you're not going to use it, constantly charging your battery is a very bad idea.
HP recommends on their website that you should take the battery out of your laptop in the following cases:
1. if you're going to leave your laptop plugged in power outlet;
2. if you're putting it in storage for more than two weeks.
Fully discharging the battery is not recommended before storage. Never storage your battery empty, this could kill it for good.
Expiration date.
Should I throw out that old battery? The answer, surprisingly, is "never".
Laptop batteries contain lots of toxic chemicals, and should never end up in landfills. Fortunately, e-stewards.org has a list of environmentally responsible recyclers that will take your old battery with no fuss.
If you can't find one neer you, mail it back to the manufacture.
When is it time to replace your battery, then? Use the free utility apps Becky mentioned, and when they say that your battery can only hold around 25% of its original capacity it's probably time for a new one.
I have a Fujitsu P5020 that I bought about 10 years ago. My lithium battery now is about 50% of its original capacity. Most of my friends ended there battery life cycle by 3 years of incorrect usaged, so this is the proof that the above tips do work.
quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2011
Perguntas que devem ser respondidas antes de abrir uma empresa.
Antes de abrir uma empresa, responda primeiro as seguintes perguntas:
a) Quais são as oportunidades e longevidade da proposta ?
b) Como será o processo de venda ?
c) Como conseguir clientes na quantidade necessária (fluxo de caixa)?
d) Qual o espaço previsto no mercado em termos de clientes, concorrentes e fornecedores ?
e) Como será o processo de produção ou prestação do serviço ?
f) Como será o processo de aquisição de produtos, matérias-primas, representação, intermediação, informação/conhecimento/competência ou terceirização ?
g) Como será formada sua equipe (permanente ou terceirizado) ?
h) Qual o formato da administração em relação aos seguintes tópicos:
i) Você irá comandar a empresa no seu dia-a-dia ?
j) Pretende montar outros negócios (ou conciliar com outras atividades)?
k) Como será a organização da empresa para que você se dedique também a outros negócios e vida pessoal (família e amigos) ?
l) Vale o risco, tempo, investimento e custos inerentes ao negócio?
m) Os seus valores e objetivos pessoais estão alinhados com o negócio?
n) Tudo tem começo meio e fim, portanto, até quando ? Como fechar, vender ou repassar o negócio no futuro?
Boa sorte!
a) Quais são as oportunidades e longevidade da proposta ?
- Procure detalhar o produto ou serviço e quem são os clientes em potencial.
- Você tem os recursos, habilidades e competências necessárias ?
- Você domina o assunto ou é capaz agregar recursos e pessoas que possuem este domínio ?
- Compensa o risco (e os custos) ?
- Onde pretende chegar ?

b) Como será o processo de venda ?
- o que vender ?
- para quem vender ?
- como vender ?
- quem será o seu primeiro cliente "âncora" ?
- qual o potencial do mercado ?
c) Como conseguir clientes na quantidade necessária (fluxo de caixa)?
- o que/quem vai viabilizar a abertura da empresa ?
- quais os fatores que influenciam na demanda ?
d) Qual o espaço previsto no mercado em termos de clientes, concorrentes e fornecedores ?
- quem são seus clientes, concorrentes e fornecedores ?
e) Como será o processo de produção ou prestação do serviço ?
f) Como será o processo de aquisição de produtos, matérias-primas, representação, intermediação, informação/conhecimento/competência ou terceirização ?
g) Como será formada sua equipe (permanente ou terceirizado) ?
h) Qual o formato da administração em relação aos seguintes tópicos:
- metas financeiras?
- como será o planejamento (curto, médio e longo prazo)?
- como apurar os resultados e quais os ajustes possíveis ?
- quais impactos da legislação vigente ?
i) Você irá comandar a empresa no seu dia-a-dia ?
- Você pretende tirar férias ou ter recessos regulares?
- Quem ficará no comando no seu afastamento?
- Você ficará tranquilo durante as férias/afastamento/recessos?
- Como manter os clientes e fornecedores nestes momentos?
j) Pretende montar outros negócios (ou conciliar com outras atividades)?
k) Como será a organização da empresa para que você se dedique também a outros negócios e vida pessoal (família e amigos) ?
l) Vale o risco, tempo, investimento e custos inerentes ao negócio?
m) Os seus valores e objetivos pessoais estão alinhados com o negócio?
n) Tudo tem começo meio e fim, portanto, até quando ? Como fechar, vender ou repassar o negócio no futuro?
Boa sorte!
quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011
Manual de Instalações Elétricas Residenciais Referência: CEMIG
O “Manual de Instalações Elétricas Residenciais” – RC/UE - 001/2003, aborda os procedimentos e normas técnicas que devem ser utilizados na execução de obras novas e em reformas de instalações elétricas residenciais.
Este Manual é destinado à execução/reforma de instalação elétrica interna de uma única casa residencial. Quando se tratar de mais de uma residência em um mesmo terreno – um prédio, por exemplo, poderão ser necessárias mais informações técnicas sobre o assunto. Neste caso, é recomendado consultar as Normas vigentes afins da CEMIG e da ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, além de literaturas técnicas especializadas.
O assunto sobre as instalações elétricas residenciais, não foi esgotado neste Manual. Procurou-se tratar de uma maneira prática, os procedimentos para a execução de instalações elétricas residenciais adequadas, seguras e mais eficientes quanto ao uso de energia elétrica.
Este Manual é a atualização da edição CEMIG 02111 – CM/CE-199 – Manual de Instalações Residenciais – janeiro/98, em dezembro de 2003.
Agradecemos a CEMIG por ter disponibilizado gratuitamente este manual para o público em geral.
Baixe aqui o Manual
instalações elétricas,
sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011
How to recover from a black screen at startup with Acer Aspire One
Acer Aspire One BIOS Recovery
The AA1 has a built-in BIOS recovery routine, making it possible to flash the BIOS even if the system doesn't boot anymore. It's only meant for emergencies and may void your warranty, so use at your own risk.
Follow every step carefully!
First format an USB stick with FAT.
Download the latest BIOS, and put both FLASHIT.EXE and the BIOS file in the root directory of the stick. Rename the BIOS file to ZG5IA32.FD, that's important. Do not remove the USB stick.
Turn the AA1 off, make sure both battery and AC adapter are connected. Press Fn+Esc, keep it pressed and press the power button to turn the AA1 on. Release Fn+Esc after a few seconds, the power button will be blinking. Press the power button once. The AA1 will now initiate the BIOS flash, do not interrupt it under any circumstances. After a while the power button will stop blinking, and the AA1 will reboot shortly after. Wait patiently.
The BIOS has been flashed and all settings reset to default.
If for some reason you made a mistake during the procedure and it doesn't reboot by itself wait 5 minutes before turning it off, just to be safe that it isn't still flashing the BIOS.
The BIOS is now also available from Acer Japan here. It's only the BIOS file with no tools to actually flash it. Instead Acer Japan uploaded a tool to flash the BIOS from within Windows, available here. It's official so it's probably safe to use.
Acer Taiwan put the BIOS online now as well, available here.
And finally the BIOS has been uploaded to their european server. There is actually a text file included which recommends to flash the BIOS from DOS via a bootable USB stick.
Follow every step carefully!
First format an USB stick with FAT.
Download the latest BIOS, and put both FLASHIT.EXE and the BIOS file in the root directory of the stick. Rename the BIOS file to ZG5IA32.FD, that's important. Do not remove the USB stick.
Turn the AA1 off, make sure both battery and AC adapter are connected. Press Fn+Esc, keep it pressed and press the power button to turn the AA1 on. Release Fn+Esc after a few seconds, the power button will be blinking. Press the power button once. The AA1 will now initiate the BIOS flash, do not interrupt it under any circumstances. After a while the power button will stop blinking, and the AA1 will reboot shortly after. Wait patiently.
The BIOS has been flashed and all settings reset to default.
If for some reason you made a mistake during the procedure and it doesn't reboot by itself wait 5 minutes before turning it off, just to be safe that it isn't still flashing the BIOS.
The BIOS is now also available from Acer Japan here. It's only the BIOS file with no tools to actually flash it. Instead Acer Japan uploaded a tool to flash the BIOS from within Windows, available here. It's official so it's probably safe to use.
Acer Taiwan put the BIOS online now as well, available here.
And finally the BIOS has been uploaded to their european server. There is actually a text file included which recommends to flash the BIOS from DOS via a bootable USB stick.
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
Top 10 Low Power Desktop PCs
They are ranked in order of wattage used.
1. Fit-PC Slim (6 watts)
Smallest computer in the list in terms of power consumption and physical size.
Smallest computer in the list in terms of power consumption and physical size.
2. Aleutia E2 (8 watts)
Runs the Ubuntu Linux operating system and is designed to help spread computing in the developing world.
Runs the Ubuntu Linux operating system and is designed to help spread computing in the developing world.
3. Asus Eee Box B202 (20 watts)
Doesn’t have the mass appeal of Asus’ EeePC laptop, but SmartPlanet says it’s worth a look.
Doesn’t have the mass appeal of Asus’ EeePC laptop, but SmartPlanet says it’s worth a look.
4. Very PC Fulwood (27 watts)
Packs in a dual core processor while managing to be efficient.
Packs in a dual core processor while managing to be efficient.
5. Tranquil T2e Atom (29 watts)
Doesn’t have a fan and is reportedly very quiet.
Doesn’t have a fan and is reportedly very quiet.
6. Shuttle X27 (36 watts)
Requires assembly and uses Intel’s low power Atom chip.
Requires assembly and uses Intel’s low power Atom chip.
7. Advent Eco PC (50 watts)
Boasts using less power than an old lightbulb.
Boasts using less power than an old lightbulb.
8. RM EcoQuiet One 50 (58 watts, including monitor)
Runs a monitor and Windows computer for less power than a lightbulb
Runs a monitor and Windows computer for less power than a lightbulb
9. Dell Studio Hybrid (65 watts)
May not be the most efficient of the list, but you can get it in an optional bamboo finish.
May not be the most efficient of the list, but you can get it in an optional bamboo finish.
10. Mac Mini (100 watts)
Uses more power than other machines listed but uses relatively lower power compared with other macs.
Uses more power than other machines listed but uses relatively lower power compared with other macs.
sábado, 4 de junho de 2011
How to fix out of sync between audio and video using ffmpeg
Quick fix for A/V out-of-sync when using ffmpeg
ffmpeg now has the option called: '-async <number>' which syncronizes audio and video at the beginnig of the stream when using '-async 1' in the command line of ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i sample.mp4 -async 1 ......
No need to use the -itsoffset with separate A/V inputs, no need to calculate the offset. Specially handsome while converting video streams like dvb-recordings.
The longer way:
If this first fix doesn't work for your stream, them use the -itsoffset command the option.
Let say that the video we want to convert is: 'sample.ogg' and that the converted (final output) is called: 'video.flv'
Considere that we want ffmpeg to take the first input file as the audio, and the second as the video, since we need to delay the video and we've applied the delay to the second input file.
The '-map' switches should be listed in the order you want the streams to appear in the output file.
Please note this syntax: -map <file(0=first;1=second)>:<stream(0=first;1=second)>
Since I know that a flash movie has two streams: video first and then audio second, (which you can see using "ffmpeg -i movie.flv"), the first 'map' switch specifies the video, and the second specifies the audio. The command line will be:
ffmpeg -i sample.ogg -itsoffset <delay in seconds> -i sample.ogg -map 1:0 -map 0:1 -ar 22050 video.flv
Here "-map 1:0" tells ffmpeg to use the second input file (1) and take its first stream (0) as the video source.
Since that's the input that follows the "-itsoffset" switch, that's the stream that will be delayed.
Then "-map 0:1" tells it to use the second stream from the first input as the audio. Since there's no offset applied to the first input file, it will be processed normally.
Finally we change the audio sample rate (-ar) to something suitable for a flash movie and output will be a file called "video.flv". ffmpeg will see the ".flv" and apply the proper codecs for the audio and video to make a ".flv" file.)
Have fun!
ffmpeg now has the option called: '-async <number>' which syncronizes audio and video at the beginnig of the stream when using '-async 1' in the command line of ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i sample.mp4 -async 1 ......
No need to use the -itsoffset with separate A/V inputs, no need to calculate the offset. Specially handsome while converting video streams like dvb-recordings.
The longer way:
If this first fix doesn't work for your stream, them use the -itsoffset command the option.
Let say that the video we want to convert is: 'sample.ogg' and that the converted (final output) is called: 'video.flv'
Considere that we want ffmpeg to take the first input file as the audio, and the second as the video, since we need to delay the video and we've applied the delay to the second input file.
The '-map' switches should be listed in the order you want the streams to appear in the output file.
Please note this syntax: -map <file(0=first;1=second)>:<stream(0=first;1=second)>
Since I know that a flash movie has two streams: video first and then audio second, (which you can see using "ffmpeg -i movie.flv"), the first 'map' switch specifies the video, and the second specifies the audio. The command line will be:
ffmpeg -i sample.ogg -itsoffset <delay in seconds> -i sample.ogg -map 1:0 -map 0:1 -ar 22050 video.flv
Here "-map 1:0" tells ffmpeg to use the second input file (1) and take its first stream (0) as the video source.
Since that's the input that follows the "-itsoffset" switch, that's the stream that will be delayed.
Then "-map 0:1" tells it to use the second stream from the first input as the audio. Since there's no offset applied to the first input file, it will be processed normally.
Finally we change the audio sample rate (-ar) to something suitable for a flash movie and output will be a file called "video.flv". ffmpeg will see the ".flv" and apply the proper codecs for the audio and video to make a ".flv" file.)
Have fun!
quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011
Texto adaptado do original do Sebrae/SC
Não existe fórmula mágica para o sucesso nos negócios, mas observando essas dicas, consolidadas aqui, compartilho com vocês meus dogmas empresariais:
1 – Capacidade de assumir riscos
É a disposição de enfrentar desafios, de abandonar a vida relativamente segura, de assalariado, para experimentar os limites de sua capacidade, em um negócio próprio. Saber enfrentar riscos é a característica numero um do empresário. Depois de instalada a empresa, é necessário renovar os produtos e serviços. O avanço tecnológico, modismos, costumes e comportamentos mudam, tudo isso afeta seu negócio. É preciso arriscar no futuro, para não ficar defasado. As recompensas estão associadas aos maiores riscos, que bem dosados, garantem sucesso ao empreendimento.
ALERTA: Cresça com responsabilidade, dando sempre um passo de cada vez, afinal, há uma grande diferença entre ser empreendedor e ser irresponsável. Procure conhecer bem o terreno onde estará “pisando”.
2 – Senso de oportunidade
Enxergar oportunidades onde muitos só vêem ameaças, eis a chave do sucesso. Identificar tendências, necessidades atuais e futuras dos clientes. Chegar na frente com produtos e serviços novos ou diferenciados. Para isso, é necessário estar permanentemente ligado ao que acontece em sua volta na sociedade, nos meios de comunicação, no setor onde a empresa opera. Hà duas décadas, os ecologistas eram vistos como seres lunáticos. Hoje, a ecologia é marketing para qualquer negócio.
3 – Liderança
Capacidade de induzir pessoas, de usar o poder de influência para solucionar problemas. Delegar responsabilidades, valorizar o empregado, formar uma cultura na empresa para alcançar o objetivo principal - a satisfação dos clientes. Flexibilidade, velocidade e competência. Outros valores devem ser cultivados e introduzidos na organização. As armas de sua administração são: a liderança e a participação. O dirigente deve ser um líder, alguém em que todos confiam, fazendo parte do esforço da solução “efetivamente” (mão-na-massa).
LEMA 1: “Liderança não é uma imposição, é uma conquista.”
LEMA 2: “Os grandes lideres sabem 'compartilhar' o sonho.”
4 – Jogo de cintura
Ser flexível. Ter capacidade de reconhecer o que é melhor e se for preciso, mudar tudo em busca da excelência: produtos e serviços, processos, métodos de trabalho e políticas empresariais. O necessário para ajustar a organização as expectativas dos clientes. O empreendedor deve entender o conceito de parceria nos negócios. Ganhar a custa de alguns é uma postura predatória, reduz a possibilidade de que vários bons negócios aconteçam e traz o isolamento. O mesmo pode suceder em negociações desastradas com empregados. Conceder aqui, para conquistar ali, é ter jogo de cintura. No processo de negociação todos devem ganhar.
ALERTA: Nunca, nunca mesmo, gere expectativas que não podem ser cumpridas. Se não observar este alerta, você irá quebrar o elo mais importante da corrente organizacional: “a confiança”.
5 – Persistência
Definir e manter o direcionamento de suas energias rumo a uma visão de sucesso. O caminho de um empreendedor até a estabilidade pode ser longo e difícil. Vai enfrentar muitas RESISTÊNCIAS. Você terá muitas vezes a vontade de desistir. Para que isso não aconteça, sua visão de futuro deve ser ambiciosa e segura para manter o grupo no foco. Não se contente com o possível, queira sempre o desejável. Entretanto, é necessário estabelecer caminhos seguros, que o levem a viabilizar os sonhos com a realidade. Manter o rumo é saber para onde se vai, como se chega lá e quando se deve rever as metas.
6 – Visão global da organização
Ver a organização como processo de satisfação das necessidades do cliente, em permanente interação com o meio onde atua para atender bem os clientes externos, é necessário que os clientes internos, empregados e colaboradores, estejam satisfeitos. Visão global requer perfeito entrosamento com fornecedores e uma "política de boa vizinhança" com a comunidade.
7 – Atualização
Aprender tudo que for relacionado com negócio: clientes, fornecedores, parceiros, concorrentes, colaboradores, etc. Uma descoberta abre caminho para tantas outras e a consequência é o aperfeiçoamento. A observação do comportamento das pessoas, do que as preocupa, nos ensina muito. A convivência com outros empresários, o relato de suas experiências e opiniões, tudo isso importa.
8 – Organização
Ter senso de organização é compreender que só se obtem resultados positivos com a aplicação dos recursos disponíveis de forma lógica, racional e organizada. Definir as metas, garantir a execução conforme o planejamento e corrigir os erros de forma rápida é essencial para obter o sucesso desejado. O princípio da qualidade total, sistemas organizacionais modernos, reengenharia, são assuntos que devem ser conhecidos e, principalmente, praticados.
9 – Inovação
Cultivar idéias novas, algumas fases de estudos, outras em vias de execução, é fundamental para o empreendedor de sucesso. O mais importante é transformar idéias consideradas viáveis em fatos concretos e dinâmicos, que possam garantir a permanente evolução da organização. O espírito do empreendedor surge como necessidade imperativa, para que a organização sobreviva aos novos tempos.
10 – Disposição para o trabalho
Ter sucesso na atividade empresarial significa se envolver com a organização em todos os sentidos da forma mais completa possível, desde a fase da sua criação. Não basta simplesmente ser o dono. É preciso dedicação total. Brincar de ser empresário, pode custar muito caro. Ser empreendedor é aceitar que o negócio faz parte de sua vida, é um jogo que só tem um objetivo: vencer, mesmo que seja um pouquinho de cada vez.
11 – Tenha sempre foco profissional
O mercado não tem espaço para o “eu acho”... Contrate sempre profissionais ou empresas que lhe oriente corretamente sobre os aspectos legais, técnicos, contábeis, marketing e comunicação para fortalecer seus produtos e serviços diante dos seus clientes. Saiba que existe ótimas empresas e profissionais especializados para empresas de todos os portes. Evite querer reinventar a roda ou correr riscos desnecessários. Só faça você mesmo se tiver “CERTEZA” e competência para isto. Como diz o ditado: “A intuição é cega”.
LEMA: “Se posso simplificar não complique, contabilize os custos e contrate a solução!”
12 – Só contrate quem (ou o que) pode ser substituido
Cuidado com a amardilha de contratar parentes, amigos, conhecidos dos amigos ou produtos/serviços por indicação. Todos devem ser igualmente avaliados durante um período de experiência. Seja profissional nesta hora, a clareza nas relações pessoais evitará que você perca o amigo ou 'afunde' a empresa.
Texto modificado por: Costa, R.J.T.
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011
How to continue to seed after moving bittorrent files/directories?
Close your bittorrent client (quit or kill the process).
Move all files to new location(s). Remember to keep same structure for:
new torrents; location to move completed torrents; place to save ".torrents" extension files, and so on.
Run Bittorrent again after moving the files/directories to the new location (new directory) you will notice that the completed torrents will appear with a red "X" (not found). You can delect all inputs and open each ".torrents" files again or simple select one-by-one and do these steps:
1) Open the torrent file. Select it (one click over it) and Press Stop.
2) Right click the torrent and select Advanced > Set Download Location
3) Choose the location of the files. DO NOT OVERWRITE! Choose "NO".
4) Then right click the torrent again and select Force Re-check.
- NOTE: you may discover that some of your completed torrents are not complete after all, so let them complete. This might indicate a bug on prior version you used.
5) Then press Start.
You should not rename the file after moving to another location as that would change the hash and it wouldn't seed.
- NOTE: if you cannot complete the "re-check" test (not 100% in status bar) this my indicate that you have renamed something wrong, and it will not work. Simple solution: just avoid that item (delete from list) or try to correct the misspelled name and repeat the from step 2.
Happy seeding!
Move all files to new location(s). Remember to keep same structure for:
new torrents; location to move completed torrents; place to save ".torrents" extension files, and so on.
Run Bittorrent again after moving the files/directories to the new location (new directory) you will notice that the completed torrents will appear with a red "X" (not found). You can delect all inputs and open each ".torrents" files again or simple select one-by-one and do these steps:
1) Open the torrent file. Select it (one click over it) and Press Stop.
2) Right click the torrent and select Advanced > Set Download Location
3) Choose the location of the files. DO NOT OVERWRITE! Choose "NO".
4) Then right click the torrent again and select Force Re-check.
- NOTE: you may discover that some of your completed torrents are not complete after all, so let them complete. This might indicate a bug on prior version you used.
5) Then press Start.
You should not rename the file after moving to another location as that would change the hash and it wouldn't seed.
- NOTE: if you cannot complete the "re-check" test (not 100% in status bar) this my indicate that you have renamed something wrong, and it will not work. Simple solution: just avoid that item (delete from list) or try to correct the misspelled name and repeat the from step 2.
Happy seeding!
continue to seed,
keep seeding,
move bittorrent,
domingo, 17 de abril de 2011
Firefox lento com dificuldade para abrir urls
Eu pessoalmente gosto muito mais do Firefox do que do IE. Uso no ambiente Linux e também no ambiente Windows.
Se você notou que ele está ficando lento ou com dificuldade para abrir algumas páginas que estavam abrindo normal antes das atualizações, a causa pode ser o plugin-container.exe que foi criado para dar mais proteção ao ambiente do Firefox que está cada vez mais "cheio" de plugins (programinhas que adicionam funcionalidades extras), mas que pode derrubar seu desempenho se seu micro tem poucos recursos (eu uso um Pentium III de 1GHz com 1,5GBytes de memória até hoje).
Como então podemos desabilitar este "protetor" de plugins, bem você terá de mudar algumas preferências na configuração do Firefox usando o "about:config".
Atenção: antes de continuar a ler, informo que ao modificar os parâmetros do Firefox, você pode travar o browser e se der tudo errado terá de reinstalar. Avisado!
Abra seu Firefox e digite o endereço de url: "about:config" (sem as aspas). Vai aparecer um aviso e se tiver coragem de continuar escolha "sim" ou "continuar" ou qualquer outa coisa do tipo.
Digite na linha do "filtro" o seguinte: "dom.ipc" (sem as aspas)
Basta clicar nas linhas indicadas abaixo (na imagem em negrito) para ficar igual e pronto!
Resolvido, agora o desempenho deve melhorar muito. Mas em contrapartida ficou sem a proteção de "plugins" que podem travar seu browser.
Windows XP lento com 100% CPU nas interrupções (hardware interrupts)
Depois de sofrer com lentidão do meu micro por uma semana, e depois de ler uma dezena de posts em blogs de todo o mundo, e usar diversos anti-virus, anti-malware, etc. sem encontrar nada, passei para uma etapa "marreta" apagando programas desnecessários, defragmentando meu HDD, e várias outras tentativas, para perceber ao fim um detalhe que estava ficando esquecida: a CPU quase sempre próximo de 100% devido as interrupções constantes (hardware interrupt). O diagnóstico foi feito usando o "Process Explorer v14.1" que é gratuito e que já é bem conhecido dos usuários do Windows XP.
Olhando com mais detalhes, clicar sobre "Meu Computador" > Propriedades > Hardware > Device Manager > IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers > Primary IDE Channel
Neste ponto use o botão da direita "Propriedades" e na orelha "Advanced Settings" veja o estado do seu dispositivo. Se estiver indicado PIO, você encontrou o problema.
O que ocorre é que quando o Windows encontra um certo número de erros no seu barramento ele muda automaticamente de DMA para PIO, como forma de resolver a questão.
Depois de pesquisar um pouco o assunto identifiquei algumas causas deste problema, e que destaco os principais abaixo:
- Cabo do IDE/ATA usado não é blindado ou está "muito amassado"
- Aquecimento anormal do HDD
- Conflito com outros disponsitivos que usam o barramento - confira todas as suas placas PCI e AGP.
Bastou esta informação para encontrar na internet uma solução que funcionou para o meu caso, e que pode ser resumido (apesar haver outras possibilidades para a causa do problema) em apagar um registro do windows e pronto! Tudo voltou ao normal.
O que eu fiz ? Bem use o "regedit" do windows e procure pela chave:
Note que ela tem várias subchaves 0000, 0001, 0002, etc. Normalmente o canal principal da primeira IDE (onde está meu HD) é a subchave 0001 (verifique o seu caso).
Apague a entrada MasterIdDataChecksum (eu por garantia, apenas mudei o nome para "_Master...").
E pronto. Resolvido! Mas o motivo de ter acontecido esta mudança, foi o que me chamou atenção para detalhes. Lendo os blogs e comentários que encontrei conclui que o motivo que levou o Windows a mudar de DMA (rápido) para PIO (lento) foi algum erro entre a IDE e o HDD.
Mais detalhes aqui: DMA reverts to PIO
Cautela extra: Sempre faça um backup antes de mexer nos seus registradores.
Espero que ajude outros usuários do Windows XP com o mesmo problema.
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