Remove Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant From Firefox
Have you noticed one of these problems:
1. popup saying that NET Framework cause stability problems
2. strange firefox crashes
3. yahoo mail (the classic version) doesn't respond correctly when you choose things and send messages (that "loading" message an slow response or nothing)
4. some times just can't load new URLs.
Take a look at the installed add-ons in Firefox search for an add-on called Microsoft .net Framework Assistant.
That add-on is different from most other installed add-ons. The first thing that you will notice is that you cannot uninstall it as the uninstall option is inactive in Firefox, specially for versions "0.0.0" or "1.0.0".
First try to disable it if it's active. Start Firefox again and check.
You might also realize that you did not install that add-on actively which means it must have been installed by another application.
If you use Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 , you can go to this page:
and upgrade the .Net Framework Assistant, and then you can uninstall the extensions or just keep it "disabled".
If you uninstall and after restart it still is there try this:
The pop up from Microsoft's framework error message or the "Just in Time Debugging" from Microsoft is annoying but a very easy fix.
Go to the control panel under the Start Button. Click on Internet Options Turn off the Microsoft Debuggers and your Firefox will never have any more issues.
Have fun!
terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011
Do you think that the New Yahoo mail sucks ? And you can't find a way to return to the old Classic Mail version ? Well here's what I found searching the web:
To go back to YAHOO! MAIL CLASSIC...
1) Turn off Javascript - you'll then be asked if you want to return to Mail Classic, click "yes".
If you don't know how to turn off Javascript...
IMPORTANT:Remember to RE-ENABLE JAVA and JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For IE: Open TOOLS > INTERNET OPTIONS >> SECURITY. In security click "CUSTOM LEVEL" -> disable active scripting in the scripting section.
IMPORTANT:Remember to turn JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For FIREFOX: Open TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> CONTENT, click on "DISABLE JAVASCRIPT". Now hit F5 to refresh the page while you are in Yahoo! email in order to switch back...
2) Go and login to your Yahoo mail account.
You will get a message screen saying that you need to activate JAVASCRIPT to use the new Yahoo! mail.
Bellow the warning there is two options, click the second (PERMANENT) to switch back to YAHOO! Classic. DO NOT click the first one "ONE TIME ONLY" option.
IMPORTANT: Turn JAVASCRIPT back ON once you have your "CLASSIC" account back.
Thanks to RUDJAKE a yahoo answer member.
Have fun!
To go back to YAHOO! MAIL CLASSIC...
1) Turn off Javascript - you'll then be asked if you want to return to Mail Classic, click "yes".
If you don't know how to turn off Javascript...
IMPORTANT:Remember to RE-ENABLE JAVA and JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For IE: Open TOOLS > INTERNET OPTIONS >> SECURITY. In security click "CUSTOM LEVEL" -> disable active scripting in the scripting section.
IMPORTANT:Remember to turn JAVASCRIPT back ON when you are back in Mail Classic because without it some mail functions won't work.
For FIREFOX: Open TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> CONTENT, click on "DISABLE JAVASCRIPT". Now hit F5 to refresh the page while you are in Yahoo! email in order to switch back...
2) Go and login to your Yahoo mail account.
You will get a message screen saying that you need to activate JAVASCRIPT to use the new Yahoo! mail.
Bellow the warning there is two options, click the second (PERMANENT) to switch back to YAHOO! Classic. DO NOT click the first one "ONE TIME ONLY" option.
IMPORTANT: Turn JAVASCRIPT back ON once you have your "CLASSIC" account back.
Thanks to RUDJAKE a yahoo answer member.
Have fun!
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
Como remover o Gbplugin dos bancos
Se tem notado problemas de lentidão ou travamentos do Windows XP, depois que acessam alguns bancos via Internet, como Banco Real/Santander, Banco do Brasil ou Caixa Econômica Federal o motivo é um programa que eles obrigaram você a instalar.
O que acontece é que esses bancos exigem a instalação de um plugin de segurança chamado GbPlugin, que roda sobre os processos "explorer.exe" e pior de tudo modificando o "winlogon.exe" na inicialização do sistema, o que impossibilita sua remoção através de comandos do Windows ou até de programas como Unlocker, !KillBox, ComboFix ou similares.
Além disso, consome boa parte da memória e, algumas vezes, duplica o uso da CPU, mesmo quando você não está usando nenhum serviço do banco.
O plugin tão incomodo que acabou servindo de base para um vírus com o mesmo nome. Não para sua segurança, mas sim para a invasão de sua privacidade.
Depois de pesquisar muito, as soluções que encontrei para remover o maldito GbPlugin são muito compilados e que podem levar a vários erros no processo.
Por sorte encontrei esta semana um "kit" simples e eficaz de scripts, capaz de remover completamente a praga GbPlugin (tanto oficial quanto vírus) do seu computador com segurança e facilidade neste link: Removedor-gbplugin
Obs: Está indicado na página do Xcovil que você poderá instalar o plugin normalmente, nas próximas vezes que acessar seu banco. No entanto, percebi que ao acessar o banco via meu desktop (em vez do meu notebook onde a praga estava instalada) não ocorreu mais a instalação. Acredito que a praga está relacionado ao Internet Explorer (IE) com ASP e ActiveX, portanto usar Firefox ou outro browser. Digo isto pois tive dificuldade para acessar o meu Banco via Firefox no meu notebook e consegui via IE, foi ai que me lasquei!
Por último, considero um absurdo o que estes bancos estão nos obrigando a instalar. Mais uma vez o ambiente "Windows" mostra-se como o prior sistema em termos de segurança que conheço.
Agradeço ao XPirata/Xcovil, você é o cara!
Boa sorte!
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